Grow the future | Grassland Sulphur Grow the future | Grassland Sulphur

Spreading nitrogen and sulphur at the same time means more grass

Applying fertilisers containing nitrogen and sulphur means the grass uses nitrogen more effectively, you get more kgs of dry matter per kg of nitrogen that you apply

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Gearing up for early N applications on the grazing block

It’s the time of year again where early nitrogen applications are up for debate. We would recommend applying 50 – 75 kg N/ha of YaraVera Amidas (20 – 30 kg N/ha) for these early N applications. They should only be applied when you can travel with a tractor, and without any major rainfall event forecast in the next 48 hours and soil temperatures are above 5.5 degrees and rising.

The benefit of spreading this low rate of N early is a large increase in growth rates in March and early April. A grass yield response of 13 to 16 kg grass dry matter per kg N applied is typical at this rate applied in February. Many farms this year lost out on an estimated 500 – 700 kg of grass dry matter growth over the course of the year due to missing fertiliser N applications up to mid-March. Delaying this early application reduces overall grass grown.

Heavy rainfall rather than low soil temperatures has been the main cause for missed or late early N applications, but there have been missed opportunities in many cases where early N could have been spread.

The environmental risk associated with slurry spreading in early spring is greater than the application of 50 – 75 kg/ha of YaraVera Amidas when applied in the correct conditions. Have the fertiliser product you need in the yard and ready to spread. Instead of waiting to spread the whole grazing block, apply it first on areas that are likely to respond best, such as those drier, warmer and recently reseeded paddocks.

Can you identify grassland nutrient deficiencies?

Identify and diagnose if your grassland is suffering from nutrient deficiencies and learn more about the symptoms and causes and how to control or correct the deficiency

Nitrogen deficiency
Nitrogen deficiency





Phosphorus deficiency
Phosphorus deficiency





Potassium deficiency
Potassium deficiency





Sulphur deficiency
Sulphur deficiency





Recent grassland webinars

Advice on managing fertiliser inputs on first cut silage crops this spring
Philip Cosgrave, Yara's Grassland Agronomist is joined by Nicola Ingram and Nigel Mills, Yara Area Managers for UK and Ireland, to discuss a range of topics to help inform farmers on how best to manage fertiliser applications this spring on silage crops.
Yara and CAFRE Nutrients Action Programme (NAP) - Update for fertiliser distributors
In this webinar Philip Cosgrave, Yara Grassland Agronomist and Aveen McMullan, Senior Agricultural Technologist at CAFRE provide an update on the Nutrients Action Programme (NAP) regulations relating to the use and application of inorganic fertilisers and an explanation of the requirement for fertilisation plans.
How to get healthy grass and happy cows
In this webinar, Philip Cosgrave is joined by Conrad Ferris from AFBI to talk about the planning behind a successful spring grassland nutrition strategy.
How to manage lime and fertiliser on a livestock farm
In this webinar, Philip Cosgrave of Yara and Kevin Havekes of Kilwaughter Lime collaborate to give an insight into how lime and fertiliser work hand in hand.
Grass, milk and robots - webinar
Our grassland agronomy expert Philip Cosgrave joins Cormac Garvey from Lely for this webinar to discuss grazing systems for robotic milking, grassland management and grassland nutrition management.
How manage grassland fertilisation in simple steps
In this webinar, Jon Telfer, Philip Cosgrave and Nigel Hester talk through the steps needed for successful grassland fertilisation.

Listen to the latest grassland podcasts

If you are short of time why not check out our bite-size podcasts for the latest thoughts on grassland nutrition.

Grass and forage agronomy and fertiliser advice
Grass and forage agronomy and fertiliser advice

Looking for even more information ...

If you would like more information and would like to speak to one of our area managers or agronomists please find all their contact details here.

Contact your local Yara area manager or agronomist


Where can I buy Yara fertiliser ...

If you would like to find your nearest Yara supplier or merchant simply use this searchable map with all their contact details here.

Where can I buy Yara fertilisers >