11 Jun

LEAF Open Farm Sun­day

Each year hun­dreds of farms across the UK throw open their gates to wel­come the pub­lic and show­case the fas­ci­nat­ing world of farming.

As well as being a fun and infor­ma­tive day out for all the fam­i­ly, LEAF Open Farm Sun­day also gives vis­i­tors the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see first-hand all that farm­ers do and the impact their work has on all our lives.

Learn more > 

Stainton-Le-Vale, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 6HP

Stainton-Le-Vale, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 6HP

Date: Sunday, 11 June 2023
Time: 11:00 - 18:00
(UTC +02)