13 May, 2016

How to improve weed control and help paddocks recover quicker

When getting the sprayer out to control grassland weeds there is the opportunity to add a foliar feed to the tank to give paddocks a boost and help them recover more quickly. 

Weed infestation of paddocks and pastures often causes a dramatic drop in both yield and quality with even a moderate infestation could result in losses of over 1 tonne dry matter per ha. Docks, nettles and thistles are most damaging, especially in established swards although other weeds such as chickweed or buttercup can often be a problem in newer swards.  

The ideal time to apply herbicides is when the weeds are actively growing and in the case of docks and thistles should be during the rosette stage before the flower stem has extended. Silage crops should be sprayed around 2 weeks before cutting to allow time for systemic herbicides to be translocated into the roots to achieve full control. 

Applying a foliar fertilizer with the herbicide can significantly improve the recovery of the sward. By giving the grass close to the weeds a boost it will help the grass out-compete the weeds and quickly recover any bare patches to avoid these being recolonised by newly germinating weed seedlings. 

YaraVita Croplift Pro is ideal for this application; containing a readily available source of nitrate nitrogen to give the grass a boost together with phosphate, potash and a full range of micronutrients. YaraVita Croplift Pro can be tank mixed with almost all common grassland herbicides.