Yara’s crop nutrient recommendations for potatoes help the crop make more productive use of water through encouraging strong growth and high yields leading to more transpiration and less drainage and direct evaporation.
Regular fertiliser use will encourage rooting, ensuring better extraction of water from the soil.
Well-balanced nutrition also maximizes leaf efficiency, providing a strong canopy that reduces soil evaporating by creating shade across the grove for a longer period.
Potassium (via its osmotic function) and nitrogen (as a result of the internal regulation of hormones and xylem pH) are important for efficient and optimal regulation and control of CO2 uptake and water loss through the stomata.
Finally, by using comprehensive, tailored, fertiliser programs that ensures no nutrient is lacking, yield is increased, thereby producing more fruit for every mm of rainfall or irrigation water that is applied.
Yara recognizes that this improved ‘water use efficiency’ is increasingly important given scarcity of water supply. Indeed, with 2.8 billion people living in regions with insufficient water, the importance of making best use of this limited resource is fundamental to sustainable crop production.
Our collection of tools help you to make better nutrient decisions in making the right fertiliser choice and applying the right amount of nutrients at the right time and in the right place so that the crop yield and quality can be maximised whilst still keeping costs in check, avoiding over-fertilisation and protecting the environment.
If you would like more information on potato agronomy or nutrition and would like to speak to one of our area managers or agronomists please find all their contact details here
Contact your local Yara area manager or agronomist
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