Image of YaraVita FOLIAR POTASH
YaraViva FOLIAR POTASH is a fully formulated liquid foliar fertiliser containing 500 g/l potash for foliar application to provide additional potassium for a wide range of crops.

High Concentration of Potassium
High quality and consistent true liquid formulation
No sedimentation

Widest Tank Mixability
Suitable for almost any tank mix
Gives greater flexibility in field recommendations

Excellent Plant Absorption
Rapid uptake through the leaf
Ideal where soil application is limiting factor
Very mobile within the plant
Lasting feeding effect

Safe for Crops and Operators
Kind to the crop
Easy to handle liquid formulation
Easy to measure, pour and mix the product in the spray tank

41.5% w/v% = 415 g/l K (50% w/v = 500 g/l K2O)
3.5% w/v = 34.9 g/l P (8.0% w/v = 80 g/l P2O5)

Pack Size
10 litres and 1000 litres

Available in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Lucerne: 5 l/ha applied two to three weeks prior to cutting. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.


Beans: 5 l/ha before flowering. Water rate: 200 l/ha


Beetroot: 3 to 5 l/ha during bulb filling. Repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Blackcurrant: 5 l/ha at start of flowering. Water rate: 200-500 l/ha.


Calabrese: 5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat as required for moderate to severe deficiency at 7 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Cereals: 5 l/ha from early tillering to 2nd node detectable (Zadoks G.S. 21 to 32). Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals between these growth stages as necessary. From 2nd node detectable onwards apply 5 l/ha, if necessary, up to the end of inflorescence (Zadoks G.S. 32 to 59). Water rate: 50 to 200 l/ha.

Herbe d'agrément

Grass (amenity): 10 l/ha as soon as growth commences in the spring. In the case of moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications at 14 day intervals. Water rate: 500 to 1,000 l/ha.


Leek: 5 l/ha two weeks after transplanting. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Pears: 5 l/ha at bud burst. Also, two to three applications of 5 l/ha at 10 to 14 day intervals starting at petal fall. A further application of 5 l/ha may also be applied post-harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha.


Peas: 5 l/ha before flowering. Water rate: 200 l/ha.

Cultures protégées

Protected Crops: 0.3 litres per 100 litres water maximum concentration. Water rate: 1000 l/ha maximum. Refer to equivalent field grown crop for application timing.


Spinach: 5 l/ha three weeks after 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha

Gazon d'agrément

Turf: 10 l/ha as soon as growth commences in the spring. In the case of moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications at 14 day intervals. Water rate: 500 to 1000 l/ha.


Lucerne: 5 l/ha applied two to three weeks prior to cutting. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.


Beans: 5 l/ha before flowering. Water rate: 200 l/ha


Beetroot: 3 to 5 l/ha during bulb filling. Repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Blackcurrant: 5 l/ha at start of flowering. Water rate: 200-500 l/ha.


Calabrese: 5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat as required for moderate to severe deficiency at 7 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Cereals: 5 l/ha from early tillering to 2nd node detectable (Zadoks G.S. 21 to 32). Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals between these growth stages as necessary. From 2nd node detectable onwards apply 5 l/ha, if necessary, up to the end of inflorescence (Zadoks G.S. 32 to 59). Water rate: 50 to 200 l/ha.

Herbe d'agrément

Grass (amenity): 10 l/ha as soon as growth commences in the spring. In the case of moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications at 14 day intervals. Water rate: 500 to 1,000 l/ha.


Leek: 5 l/ha two weeks after transplanting. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Pears: 5 l/ha at bud burst. Also, two to three applications of 5 l/ha at 10 to 14 day intervals starting at petal fall. A further application of 5 l/ha may also be applied post-harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha.


Peas: 5 l/ha before flowering. Water rate: 200 l/ha.

Cultures protégées

Protected Crops: 0.3 litres per 100 litres water maximum concentration. Water rate: 1000 l/ha maximum. Refer to equivalent field grown crop for application timing.


Spinach: 5 l/ha three weeks after 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha

Gazon d'agrément

Turf: 10 l/ha as soon as growth commences in the spring. In the case of moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications at 14 day intervals. Water rate: 500 to 1000 l/ha.