Combine different forms of nitrogen for flexibility
Choosing a spring fertiliser that combines two forms of nitrogen means you get more flexibility of timing with fewer worries about the weather
Choose the right fertiliser
It’s sometimes hard to know when to spread that first fertiliser application. But this decision isn’t just about timing. Changing the type of fertiliser you spread, could deliver surprising yield returns.
Yara SUPERSTART is unique to Yara and provides extended nitrogen availability at a time when grass swards need it most. It provides immediately available nitrogen in its nitrate form allowing grass to benefit straight away.
The nitrate form of nitrogen in SuperStart is easy for grass roots to take up at a time when grass has very little energy, giving it a good kickstart to early spring growth. But the beauty of SuperStart is that it gives your grass a calculated double dose of nitrogen without a second pass through the field, with the urea portion of the fertiliser delivering its nitrogen about a week later.
Did you know ...
…that grass can’t immediately take up the nitrogen in urea fertilisers?
Nitrogen takes many forms and urea unlike ammonium nitrate which needs to go through a conversion process (requiring water) before it becomes the nitrate that grass can immediately absorb, so there’s always a time delay in the effectiveness of nitrogen when applying urea fertilisers.
Yara SUPERSTART 34% N + 7.6% Ca
Give a boost to spring grass growth with SuperStart, a unique formulation from Yara.
- Gets your grass off to the best start
- A perfect mix of urea and calcium nitrate
- Immediate growth response to nitrate nitrogen
- Long-term, sustained growth with ureic nitrogen
- Consistent soil pH with soluble calcium
Super Start can be applied whatever the weather so it’s perfect for a spring application when the weather is less predictable.
Kick-start spring grass growth with Yara SuperStart
Philip Cosgrave, Yara's Grassland Agronomist discusses the role of nitrogen form and explains why Yara SuperStart is a great choice for the first application to maximise early grass growth with a view to getting livestock back in the fields as soon as the weather improves.
Philip reminds us that the nitrate-nitrogen included in SuperStart is immediately available for plant uptake but also the inclusion of calcium nitrate with urea reduces the ammonia emissions compared to urea by around 25% and is also kinder to the soil than straight urea which causes soil acidity.
Apply the right fertiliser at the right time
Identify the limiting factor to your grass growth and you’ll know exactly what you need to apply to maximise growth rates. Early in the season your grass doesn’t have the energy to do much of anything, so the over-riding need is for nitrogen. That’s why we recommend Yara SUPERSTART; by containing two different forms of nitrogen, you’ll extend nitrogen availability at a crucial time for your grass crops.
But requirements change. As your grass grows stronger, that limiting factor to continued growth will change. Sulphur is likely to become a limiting factor later in the growth cycle due to widespread deficiencies of this nutrient.
Yara has a full range of fertilisers to suit different soils, crops and farmer preferences. But if you’re trying to maximise grass growth, we’d recommend that your second application of nitrogen includes a healthy dose of sulphur. YaraVera AMIDAS is the perfect option for you at this time.
YaraVera AMIDAS (40% N + 14% SO3)
Sustain ongoing grass growth with immediate and long-term growth response to YaraVera Amidas.
- Contains 5% ammonium nitrogen as well as 35% ureic nitrogen
- Gives your crop the best of both worlds
- Immediate growth response to the ammonium nitrogen.
- Long term nitrogen availability with ureic nitrogen to sustain growth throughout the season
- Also delivers plant available sulphate which will improve grass quality and increase yields.
What do some other farmers say?
Liam O'Leary, Conna, Co. Cork
‘’I spread YaraVera AMIDAS on our grazing ground throughout the year and i find the product quality excellent. We set the spreader once at the start of the year and that setting is always accurate for the rest of the year for AMIDAS, it makes life simple. I find it's performance very good also. I like to use sulphur little and often throughout the season as opposed to one big hit like with ASN or none at all with straight urea. My grass quality has definitely improved with AMIDAS, much greener, healthier grass which the cows love’’.
Liam Hanrahan, Doonbeg, Co. Clare
“I like Yara SUPERSTART because of the quick spring grass growth from the combination of calcium nitrate and urea.’’
Ian Cruickshank Farming
"When it comes to growing grass I like to use Yara SUPER START, it's easier on my soil pH and splits the risk with calcium nitrate, releasing first for the initial growth, plus the Urea involved is less leachable so I benefit from protecting any loss.
Yara SUPER START lasts longer than anything else I've used and gives strong lasting growth to my grass - it takes grass to grow grass!"
Agronomic advice
Developing first-class agronomic advice and sharing this with our customers
Fertiliser choice
Choosing the right fertiliser for both best yields and to support a better environmental outcome
Technological innovations
Finding innovative ways to support farmers in their quest to protect the environment
Enhancing the environment without sacrificing growth
Yara is committed to supporting farmers in their fight to reduce their impact on the environment and increase transparency in where our food comes from.
Agronomic advice
Yara has always invested heavily in developing first-class agronomic knowledge which is then shared with our valued customers. Ultimately, Yara wants our customers to enjoy maximum return on investment which will also deliver a better result for the environment as there’ll be less wastage.
One focus area of our trials is exploring how to maximise your nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). There comes a point at which applying more nitrogen starts to deliver diminishing returns. It will also mean increased leaching into the water tables, so focusing on achieving the correct NUE level will deliver a better result for the environment. Yara’s annual trials help identify the level to aim for.
Fertiliser choice
Choosing the right fertiliser is not just about achieving the best yields, it can also support a better environmental outcome. For example, YaraVera Amidas helps prevent nitrogen losses into the water table by virtue of its make-up. The added sulphur in Amidas achieves more efficient nitrogen uptake. On its own urea will increase soil pH resulting in significant nitrogen losses. Sulphur counteracts this process.
Not all fertilisers are created equal and Yara believes transparency of food production should take into account production methods of fertiliser. With Nordic roots, Yara has long been committed to reducing our impact on the environment and developed abatement technology to remove over 90% of N2O emissions during the production process.
Technological innovations
Yara continues to find innovative ways to support farmers in their quest to protect the environment. By providing precision farming tools, such as the N-Sensor, to farmers to help inform decisions will prevent excessive fertiliser use.
But we’re always working on ways to improve the production process with pilot projects in developing green ammonia technology to minimise fertiliser carbon footprint close to zero, which we hope to roll out by 2023.
Recommended fertilisers
The following fertilisers are recommended for early spring grass growth
Related agronomy advice articles
Where can I buy Yara fertilisers ?
Yara supply our solid and liquid fertilisers and micronutrients through a network of local suppliers Use our interactive map to locate your nearest suppliers.
Read about improving nutrient efficiency
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